First of all, I think you, and everyone you know, should read this post by Julien at In Over Your Head, because it is Awesome.
Second, I'm sorry about the swearing. I don't do it often and a lot of the time it's unnecessary but in this case, I think it is entirely appropriate. "Being Awesome" just doen't have the same sort of ring of urgency to it. I mean, this is your life, do you want it to be Awesome or Fucking Awesome? My vote is for the latter.
So, I have another massive change happening right now. I have been offered a new job! Yay!! This is exactly what I've been wanting and looking for over the past couple of months. The real kick off was when my bosses made me part-time. That's when I started asking around if anyone knew of a new job opening for me, and BAM! here we go! I love how life works like that sometimes, or in my case, with increasing regularity.
The really crazy part of this new job, or the part that really shows me how far I've come in knowing what I want and my willingness to do what it takes to have it all, is that this new job comes with a substantial pay cut. And I don't care. Have you ever experienced that? I mean, I'm not even sure that I will be able to make ends meet, what with tuition payments and all. But I'm totally not worried about it! There is something in me that is telling me that no matter what, this is the right move for me right now, and everything else will work itself out. Don't get me wrong, I am concerned about my financial situation, I have bills to pay and debt and things I want to save for just like everyone else, and no one else is going to look after these things for me.
This is a very strange experience for me. By nature, I am a worrier. I over-analyze and stress over just about everything I possibly can. My classmates think this is funny because I usually appear to be calm and collected. It takes effort to be that way, a lot of effort, in fact. So, I gotta say, I'm surprised that I am handling this so easily. But it feels the world is conspiring to make this happen for me so I'm trusting that the universe will also have a plan for me if I do run into problems. And if it doesn't, well, I'm a pretty smart cookie and I trust that I can work out any problems for myself! And I think knowing that is Fucking Awesome!
HA! You beat me to it! YAY you and your F*cking awesome self!! xo