Monday, May 30, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy...

I was walking through Chapters the other day and saw this book called "14,000 Things To Be Happy About."  As I started flipping through it I noticed a lot of the things the author was happy about were not actually things I was happy about.  So, I've decided to make my own list of things to be happy about and I'm sharing it (well, at least the beginning) with you.

I just remembered that I have chocolate ice cream in the freezer.
The first sip of coffee in the morning.  Mmmmmmm...
Swapping out my umbrella for my sunglasses in my bag.
The first day in spring that I wear a skirt with bare legs.
The smell of clean sheets.
The colour of sunlight through my eyelids.
Planting a new tree in the backyard.
Sharing a sushi feast with a good friend.
The way my baby niece smiles.
The first page of a new book.
Red wine
and chocolate.
Getting a hug from an old friend.
The feeling of freshly shaved legs.
Laughing out loud.
Feeling centred after a yoga class.
Getting a great haircut.
Strawberries that taste like strawberries.
A clean kitchen.
A long hot shower.

That's 20 kind-of random things to start with.  I'm going to add at least 5 things to my list everyday and they have to be things that have happened to me that day.  What are some things that you are happy about today?

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